Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a joke?
Absolutely not. We bring 15 years of experience, passion, dedication and respect to our clients.
We promise 100% commitment to each and every brief.
What Happens if We Like The Concept and Want to Activate It?
Feel free to use incumbent agencies or an open production RFP to activate the idea.
If existing production resources are not available, WFA Founder, Floyd Hayes can advise and suggest partners via his consulting service FHC LLC.
Contact him via email:
Hayes does not charge to refer clients to production partners.
Surely Good Thinking Needs More than 140 Characters?
Sometimes but not always.
Hayes researched 100’s of briefs and their creative responses. In many cases the best briefs can be concentrated to a single sentence challenge or brief. Likewise the Creative Response.
Are You In Competition with Traditional Communication and Ad Agencies?
No. Quite the opposite. There will always be a need for in depth planning, strategy and creative development but when there is a need for speed or a quick last minute concept from a different, experienced view point, contact WFA via:
WFA can be “white labeled” by agencies who don’t have internal time or inclination to deal with the “We have little money and no time but need big ideas by Tuesday” client calls.
Who Actually Does the Work at WFA?
Founder and Creative Director Floyd Hayes reviews and works on each and every brief.
He is supported by a carefully curated and trusted partner database of 2,000 doers and thinkers.
This group has gradually built up over the past decade and a half. They are best in class at their particular expertise; fashion, tech, art, sport, media, PR, social, digital, writing, graphic design.
Basically, we have a trusted and tested expert for any challenge, we tap into this expertise as needed.
Don’t You Think Working At This Speed Disrespects the Creative Process?
No! Founder Hayes has worked as a Creative Director for 15 years and has had a love for creativity since he put his first Lego Bricks together. He is aware of how much passion, work, time, effort and skill goes into creative development whether it’s an artist or an ad exec.
WFA is simply a new way to engage creativity. There is room for all kinds of different models.
Confidentiality is Important to Us. What’s Your Policy?
We highly respect confidentiality. We can delete the brief and response on request after the project has completed.
With no presentation decks, meeting notes, calls, or email chains, we’re safer than most in terms of information leaks.
How Else Can We Engage With WFA?
WFA does not attend meetings, sign forms, have conference calls, send or receive faxes, Skype or anything else that takes away your precious time.
We do have an email address as a back up comms channel in the rare case twitter DM has an issue:
We’re Not in a Hurry, We Like Your Style And We Have a Big Project Which Goes Beyond WFA’s Scope
Email: for a full creative service offering.
I Would Like To Work For WFA
No time wasters please :)